How a ‘solar battery’ could bring electricity to rural areas

Solar energy is becoming more and more popular as prices drop, yet a home powered by the Sun isn’t free from the grid because solar panels don’t store energy for later. Now, researchers have refined a device that can both harvest and store solar energy, and they hope it will one day bring electricity to rural and underdeveloped areas. The …

Solar farm proposed to help power Kendall County Courthouse

Yorkville is poised to review a proposal for a 7.4-acre solar farm designed to supply power to the Kendall County Courthouse. The project has been touted by the Kendall County Board as an energy- and cost-saving move. Lincoln, Nebraska-based GRNE Solar is seeking special use permit approval from Yorkville to install and operate a solar farm consisting of about 6,400 …

A Whole New World of Solar: GTM’s SPI Product Launch Roundup

Solar Power International has entered a whole new world of smart energy devices. The trade show has been growing its tent for some years now. But the trend was particularly clear in 2018, with the event in Anaheim, California branded as part of North America Smart Energy Week. As adults dressed like Disney characters shuffled by on their way to a …

California Today: An Additional Fund for Solar Power

A trip down Highway 1 meant self-discovery and a search through memory for a travel writer, whose drive down the coast was marked by childhood scenes and a renewed sense of self. “It wasn’t that I was looking to reclaim the highway, or the state, when I embarked on the trip,” Mac McClelland writes. “I didn’t have a strict agenda. …

New dwarf planet spotted at the very fringe of our solar system

Dwarf planet 2015 TG387’s orbit (above) and its extreme distance from the sun (below). (Roberto Molar Candanosa and Scott Sheppard/Carnegie Institution for Science) Ben Guarino October 2 at 10:00 AM A previously unknown dwarf planet circles through the far reaches of our solar system, the International Astronomical Union’s Minor Planet Center announced Tuesday. Officially designated 2015 TG387, the small and …

Thai winery signs long-term deal for rooftop solar power

<!– // –> MENUSEARCH QUOTES Sustainable Energy Singapore-headquartered Cleantech Solar has entered into a 20-year rooftop solar power purchase agreement with a winery in Thailand. Under the agreement, Cleantech Solar will install a 1-megawatt (MW) peak, on-site, rooftop system for the Siam Winery, which was set up in 1986. Its winery is located in Samut Sakhon province, an hour south …

Who’s afraid of Virginia solar power?

Virginia has been in the solar news recently, with the largest power plant east of the Rockies just one bit of said news. On October 1, the State released its 2018 Energy Plan as a guide while it looks out over the next ten years and aligns actions with prior legislation. The report (91 page PDF) projects energy use and …

This Half Battery, Half Solar Cell Hybrid Could Be a Total Game Changer

From Tesla’s solar roofs to putting a solar farm in the Sahara desert, it’s no surprise that solar power has gained popularity since the its possibility was first discovered in 1839. But there are a number of reasons why you’re still gassing up. Yes, solar panels still generate electricity on cloudy days, but they’re still inefficient, and the extra energy …

Portland hub monitors 425 solar projects, six wind farms

Labor Day, 4:11 a.m. A technician sitting at a bank of video monitors in Portland received an alarm that a wind turbine has stopped producing power. That wind turbine is one of 165 at Utah’s largest wind farm, the Milford Wind project, in the desert south of Provo. Through an internet connection, the technician was able to troubleshoot the problem, …

Saudi Arabia puts world’s biggest solar power project on hold

Citing Saudi government officials, the US business daily The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported Monday that Saudi plans to build the world’s largest solar power generation facility had been shelved, as the desert kingdom was working on a “broader, more practical strategy to boost renewable energy.” The solar project was expected to generate about 200 gigawatts of energy by 2030 — …